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Windows Computer Training
Gain Windows Software Knowledge attending either online or classroom courses.
Do you need Microsoft Windows 10, 11, Word, Excel and PowerPoint to increase your job opportunities?
These public classes are free and each class comes with a student handout containing step-by-step instructions for completing the lab exercises.
Respond to Mike's email to register for classes.
Contact Mike Smialek at
Mike Smialek's Biography
Grew up in the Lawrenceville section of Pittsburgh, graduated from Central Catholic High School and served in the Navy for 4 years as an Anti-Submarine Air Traffic Controller. Upon exit from military serve, attended Community College and Graduated from California University with a BA degree. Worked 40 years in the computer industry doing programming, systems analysis, teaching and computer architecture design for major corporations. Part-time adjunct faculty at Community College for 17 years teaching programming classes. Retired in 2014 and now doing volunteer training at several organizations such as BluePrints, CareerLinks, Carnegie Library, Community College, Goodwill, Junior Achievement and Vintage Senior Center.
January 2014 Certification: EMC Principle Solutions Architect
March 2015: Carnegie Library 2014 Community Advocate of the Year
June 2016: Junior Achievement 2016 Bronze Leadership Award empowering young people to economic success
March 2018: President of Vintage Senior Center House Council
February 2019 Certification: Google IT Support Specialist
January 2022 On the Board of Vintage Senior Center
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